general business data bank

Question # 00003249 Posted By: mac123 Updated on: 11/08/2013 08:40 AM Due on: 11/26/2013
Subject Accounting Topic Accounting Tutorials:
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Information concerning Johnston Co.'s direct materials costs was as follows:

The actual purchase price per pound is:

A. $6.12.

B. $6.15.

C. $6.50.

D. $6.75.

E. $7.13.

62. Information concerning Johnston Co.'s direct materials costs was as follows:

The direct materials usage variance is:

A. $307.50 unfavorable.

B. $307.50 favorable.

C. $322.50 unfavorable.

D. $322.50 favorable.

E. $532.50 favorable.

63. Norio Manufacturing uses powdered plastics (PPS) to manufacture a high-pressure board used in digital equipment, Flex 10. Information concerning its operation in June was as follows:

The actual purchase price per pound of PPS used is:

A. $5.20.

B. $5.76.

C. $6.24.

D. $6.84.

E. $7.20.

64. Norio Manufacturing uses powdered plastics (PPS) to manufacture a high-pressure board used in digital equipment, Flex 10. Information concerning its operation in June was as follows:

The standard cost per pound of PPS is:

A. $5.20.

B. $5.76.

C. $6.24.

D. $6.84.

E. $7.20.


Norio Manufacturing uses powdered plastics (PPS) to manufacture a high-pressure board used in digital equipment, Flex 10. Information concerning its operation in June was as follows:

The direct materials purchase-price variance is:

A. $51,840 favorable.

B. $56,160 favorable.

C. $62,208 favorable.

D. $64,840 favorable.

E. $72,000 favorable.

66. Norio Manufacturing uses powdered plastics (PPS) to manufacture a high-pressure board used in digital equipment, Flex 10. Information concerning its operation in June was as follows:

The cost of PPS in the flexible budget for the output of the period is:

A. $259,200.

B. $280,800.

C. $311,040.

D. $324,000.

E. $360,000.

67. Lucky Company's direct labor information for the month of February is as follows:

The actual direct labor rate per hour is:

A. $12.00.

B. $12.30.

C. $12.60.

D. $13.20.

E. $13.50.

68. Lucky Company's direct labor information for the month of February is as follows:

The standard direct labor rate per hour is:

A. $12.00.

B. $12.30.

C. $12.60.

D. $13.20.

E. $13.50.

69. Lucky Company's direct labor information for the month of February is as follows:

The total standard direct labor cost for the period is:

A. $738,000.

B. $747,000.

C. $756,000.

D. $765,000.

E. $774,900.

70. Lucky Company's direct labor information for the month of February is as follows:

The direct labor rate variance is:

A. $36,900 unfavorable.

B. $37,800 unfavorable.

C. $55,350 unfavorable.

D. $56,700 unfavorable.

E. $73,800 unfavorable.

71. Lucky Company's direct labor information for the month of February is as follows:

The direct labor flexible-budget variance is:

A. $18,900 unfavorable.

B. $42,300 unfavorable.

C. $46,350 unfavorable.

D. $44,500 unfavorable.

E. $54,900 unfavorable.

72. Minmax Co.'s direct labor information for February is as follows:

The actual direct labor rate per hour is:

A. $13.44.

B. $13.65.

C. $13.78.

D. $14.00.

E. $14.35.

73. Minmax Co.'s direct labor information for February is as follows:

The standard direct labor rate per hour is:

A. $13.44.

B. $13.65.

C. $13.78.

D. $14.00.

E. $14.35.

74. Minmax Co.'s direct labor information for February is as follows:

The total standard direct labor cost for the units manufactured in February is:

A. $458,640.

B. $470,400.

C. $477,750.

D. $478,240.

E. $490,000.


Minmax Co.'s direct labor information for February is as follows:

The direct labor efficiency variance in February is:

A. $13,440 favorable.

B. $13,650 favorable.

C. $13,776 favorable.

D. $14,000 favorable.

E. $19,110 favorable.

76. Minmax Co.'s direct labor information for February is as follows:

The total direct labor flexible-budget variance in February is:

A. $7,350 favorable.

B. $7,840 favorable.

C. $30,870 favorable.

D. $30,870 unfavorable.

E. $31,360 favorable.

77. Europa Company manufactures only one product. Presented below is direct labor information for November.

The actual direct labor hours worked during November was:

A. 18,720.

B. 19,200.

C. 20,800.

D. 22,400.

E. 22,464.

78. Europa Company manufactures only one product. Presented below is direct labor information for November.

The total standard direct labor hours in November for the output produced are:

A. 18,720.

B. 19,200.

C. 20,800.

D. 22,400.

E. 22,464.

79. Europa Company manufactures only one product. Presented below is direct labor information for November.

The direct labor rate variance for November is:

A. $26,624.00 unfavorable.

B. $31,948.80 unfavorable.

C. $39,936.00 favorable.

D. $71,884.80 favorable.

E. $103,833.60 favorable.


Europa Company manufactures only one product. Presented below is direct labor information for November.

The direct labor efficiency variance for November is:

A. $26,624.00 unfavorable.

B. $31,948.80 unfavorable.

C. $39,936.00 favorable.

D. $71,884.80 favorable.

E. $103,833.60 favorable.

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