Established Classroom Management Plans

Question # 00839625 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 03/15/2023 10:49 PM Due on: 03/16/2023
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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Established Classroom Management Plans

Established Classroom Management Plans Review two established classroom management plans. (Review established classroom management theories, plans, and specific techniques from online sources. Write a summary report. Include all information and website.

Write a summary of the plan:

List title, author, and summary of a supporting article about the plan:

Your Summary. Answer questions based on what you read and what you have observed in classrooms.

1. What were the main ideas to the plan that you feel were the strongest? What ideas were the weakest?

2. What elements would you use in your classroom? Explain why. What elements would you not use? Explain why.

3. Explain elements you observed from the plan in local classrooms. Do you think that this plan would be successful in classrooms you have observed.

List all links to websites, articles, etc. that you reviewed related to the plan.

BKR - 2023


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  1. Tutorial # 00835089 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 03/15/2023 10:50 PM
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