Eassy - Nursing area: Home Health Nursing-Visiting Nurse
Nursing area: Home Health Nursing-Visiting Nurse
Continuation of paper 1
1. Add a heading called "Building Knowledge."
Describe one professional strength and one professional area of improvement for yourself. We encourage you to speak to your manager for feedback on this. You are not required to quote this person – only to reflect on their feedback by implementing it within your paper appropriately. If you want to include their feedback that is also acceptable.
Explore how you will embody professional behaviors by giving two specific examples. How will you embody professional communication in your nursing practice and beyond? Give two specific examples.
Include two goals to improve your professionalism. These goals need to be specific. One needs to be a short-term goal and one needs to be a long-term goal.
Provide a plan for how to improve these areas. Describe specific steps you will take during your plan, and how you will measure that you have met your goal (or progressed towards it). The goal should be reasonable and achievable. Use what you have learned in your reading to support your choices.
2. Add a heading called "Resources." Describe at least two sources of quality information that could help you to advance your knowledge of your nursing theory and/or your professionalism goals. This could include professional journals or professional organizations. It does not include specific journal articles. It must be something that provides ongoing education. Describe how each source of information will help you to meet your professional goal.
Direct quotations must be less than 15% of the paper. Turnitin score needs to be below 15%.
A title page is included and is in the correct APA format for the 7th edition.
Please make sure;
Headings are correctly placed using APA format. All designated headings are included.
Reference Page and Other APA formatting
The total page count is 4 pages. 1 title, 1 page reference page, 2 body pages
Include a separate reference page in correct APA format. The paper will need to be in black, 12 point font and in Times New Roman. There is not a max or minimum page length for part 2.
No more than 15% of the paper can be direct quotes. Turnitin score is under 15%.
For part 2, at least 4 references are required. Two of the references can be your textbook or the Nursing Theory website if you have used these to contribute to your paper.
The other two references should be peer reviewed, scholarly, and have been published in 2018 or after. These last two references can not be websites.018 or after. Other than the nurse theory website, no other websites can be used.
Describe at least two sources of quality information that could help you to advance your knowledge of your nursing theory and/or your professionalism goals. This could include professional journals or professional organizations. It does not include specific journal articles. It must be something that provides ongoing education. Describe how each source of information will help you to meet the professional goals you have listed in the previous section.
Solution: Eassy - Nursing area: Home Health Nursing-Visiting Nurse