Due to friction with the Earth's atmosphere, a large static electric

Question # 00267653 Posted By: neil2103 Updated on: 05/03/2016 01:44 AM Due on: 05/31/2016
Subject Physics Topic Astrophysics Tutorials:
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The remaining 90 points are available for the components described below.
1. Due to friction with the Earth's atmosphere, a large static electric charge could build up on our plummeting asteroid fragment. Would you expect our fragment to generate a magnetic field? Explain why or why not. (15 points)

2. As the fragment falls through the atmosphere, it is heated and some of the material is vaporized. Explain how you could determine the composition of this hot vaporized material from the light it emits. (15 points)

3. Some asteroid fragments are large enough to not completely burn up in the atmosphere and they end up on the surface of the Earth. It is possible for such a fragment to be radioactive. What is the chief cause of radioactivity? If you had a radiation detector that could measure the amount of radiation—but not the type of radiation—how could you determine which type of radiation was being emitted? (20 points)

4. Conservation of energy tells us that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Clearly, energy is required for radioactivity to occur. Where is this energy coming from? (10 points)

5. How could the age of this fragment be determined? (10 points)

6. Asteroids can be classified into two broad groups based on their composition and location: carbon-rich asteroids dominate the outer part of the asteroid belt, whereas metal rich asteroids dominate the inner part of the belt. Analysis of the fragment we have discussed in this project reveals that it contains nearly equal amounts of metals and carbon. Can we conclude that the original asteroid had a similar composition? Form a hypothesis about the origin of this asteroid based on the available information. (20 points)
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00262894 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 05/03/2016 01:46 AM
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    The solution of Due to friction with the Earth's atmosphere, a large static electric...
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