Discussion 12 Architecture III - Pure Creation of the Mind

Question # 00835241 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/05/2022 10:35 PM Due on: 12/06/2022
Subject Architecture Topic General Architecture Tutorials:
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Discussion 12

Read the following pages in Towards A New Architecture: ( 267-289 )  and resp'ond to one (1) of the following prompts (A, B) in words.


Architecture III. Pure Creation of the Mind:

A:  In this section, Le Corbusier describes a societal revolution in which the family life as well as the worker had developed. Describe this evolution and how it relates to the world of architecture.     

B:  Le Corbusier refers to architecture having been through a revolution of the concept of it's very definition.  Discuss what Le Corbusier is referring to and how the definition of architecture may have changed. Do you feel that the definition of architecture is constantly evolving? If so, how? 

Please note the prompt you are talking about on top of the page.

PDF link: https://monoskop.org/images/b/bf/Corbusier_Le_Towards_a_New_Architecture_no_OCR.pdf

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00830688 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/05/2022 10:36 PM
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