1. 1.(TCOs 1, 2, and 3) What is stereotyping?
How can this be overcome? (Points : 10)
2. 2.(TCOs 2 & 4) Identify the concept of
characterizing social groups in a particular way, taking into account
gender, race and age. Explain the significance of this concept according to
issues involving "economic, social, political, cultural, or lifestyle
(Points : 10)
3. 3.(TCOs 4 & 5) Identify an example of
institutionalized discrimination against Asian Americans, and its impact on
individuals who identify as Asian American. (Points : 10)
4. 4.(TCOs 6, 7, and 8) What could account for
the fact that, often, most of those who engage in anti-gay violence are
young white men or adolescents who come from working- or middle-class
(Points : 10)
Top of Form
1. 1.(TCOs 1, 2, and 3) For your first job after
graduating college, you've accepted a job writing a training manual that
could be used in any police department in the country. What five points
would you make sure to address, just in light of what the text talked
about, the importance of intercultural and interpersonal communication? (Points : 25)
2. 2.(TCOs 2 & 4) Compare and contrast the
treatment of Native Americans during the three periods or "ages"
of their relationship with European colonialists and their offspring. (Points : 25)
3. 3.(TCOs 4 & 5) How does the belief that
Asian-Americans constitute a "model minority" work against their
interests? (Points
: 30)
Solution: Devry JADM300 midterm exam 2014