Describe a situation where you have significantly motivated

Question # 00837378 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 01/18/2023 03:56 AM Due on: 01/18/2023
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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Describe a situation where you have significantly motivated others, taken on a leadership role, or contributed to a group's goals over time. What was your role? What responsibilities did you assume? Did you achieve your intended goal(s)? If not, why?  

Describe a challenging situation you have faced. Did you turn to anyone for help? If so, did this person provide advice, assistance, or encouragement? In hindsight, would you do anything differently? 

Describe an interest of yours where you are part of a larger community or group. How long have you been involved? How have you contributed to this group? What have you learned from your participation? 

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