Chapter 10 Assignment - Explain how over-reliance on automated

Chapter 10 Assignment
Answer the following questions thoroughly.
1. Explain how over-reliance on automated programs and self-proclaimed experts pose a problem in computer investigations. How can this problem be overcome?
The answer should include the following points:
- Corruption and loss of evidence
- Rules of computer investigations
2. Define firmware. Describe the bootup sequence of a computer with particular reference to the BIOS found in IBM-compatible personal computers.
The answer should include the following points:
- IEEE definition of firmware
- Commands executed upon system booting
3. Describe the five general categories of data analysis tools. Illustrate with an example how file viewer software is used in child pornography cases.
The answer should include the following points:
- Indexing, text searching, viewers, time frame analysis, and application analysis
- Example of how file viewers help investigators quickly identify questionable graphics files
4. Describe the five categories of software that can be used in computer investigation.

Solution: Chapter 10 Assignment - Explain how over-reliance on automated