Because cash is critical in the first year, a monthly cash flow for year 1 is required

Question # 00710867 Posted By: neil2103 Updated on: 08/16/2018 10:27 PM Due on: 08/31/2018
Subject Chemistry Topic Biochemistry Tutorials:
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Cash flow


Because cash is critical in the first year, a monthly cash flow for year 1 is required (place in the appendix). Remember that cash flow is your solvency check and balance. Summarize your projections by including a yearly cash flow table. Explain how your cash flow will impact the ability of your business to expand, succeed, grow, and support your growth. Provide an annual summary of the cash flow (receipts and disbursements) here. Document all assumptions, and provide source information for all assertions.

Balance sheet


Provide the end of year 5 balance sheet to show your company's net worth and financial position at the end of the 5-year plan.

Income statement


Your income statement is a narrative explanation of your projected pro-formas. Include the detailed statements in your appendix, and then list the annual estimates in a table format in your plan. Explain how your income and expenses will contribute to your P&L and your net income. Your growth factor should be shown and explained (justified) as well. Document all assumptions, and provide source information for all assertions.

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