Aspen N586 2022 January Module 8 Assignment Mandatory Final Telecommunication Latest

Question # 00816256 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 12/20/2021 10:48 PM Due on: 12/21/2021
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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N586 Nursing Practicum

Module 8 Assignment

Assignment Description:

Mandatory Final Telecommunication:

The preceptor and instructor will discuss progress towards accomplishment of individualized practice objectives and clarification of any questions surrounding appropriate practicum activities and experiences. This progress evaluation telecommunication is mandatory. Following the teleconference, the student will submit an APA style essay with a title page, introduction, level headings, and conclusion. The essay should summarize the teleconference including status of project objectives, progress on the project, feedback from the preceptor and instructor, and any final recommendations.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

Study the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.

Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from it.

Review the Assignment Rubric and the specifications below to ensure that your response aligns with all assignment expectations.

Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling, and review the rubric.

The following specifications are required for this assignment:

Length: 250 - 300 words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner.

Structure: Include a title page and reference page (if needed) in APA style. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

File Name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example, “RHall Assignment 1.docx”)

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00811510 Posted By: Ferreor Posted on: 12/20/2021 10:56 PM
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