Aspen N584 2022 January Discussions Latest (Full)

N584 Curriculum Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
Module 1 Discussion
Discuss three to five reasons for faculty having the ultimate responsibility for curriculum development.
N584 Curriculum Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
Module 2 Discussion
Discuss the process of a needs assessment. How does the process apply to both curriculum development and curriculum evaluation?
N584 Curriculum Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
Module 3 Discussion
Is it essential that faculty be aware of the “hidden curriculum” in their program curricula. How can faculty most effectively identify and influence the “hidden curriculum” in their program?
N584 Curriculum Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
Module 4 Discussion
Discuss the barriers to prelicensure graduates’ successful transition into practice? Describe strategies in the pre-licensure curriculum that help mediate “reality shock.” What are some new ideas or innovative approaches that could be developed?
N584 Curriculum Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
Module 5 Discussion
Compare and contrast the Ph.D. and DNP programs. What are the similarities and differences in course work, research training, and available faculty mentorship in your expertise area?
N584 Curriculum Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
Module 6 Discussion
Given the rapid changes in the health care and educational systems and the ongoing shortage of nurses, what changes in nursing education do you envision within the next 5 to 10 years? Do you agree or disagree with a unified curriculum? Support your answer.
N584 Curriculum Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
Module 7 Discussion
Discuss strategies to develop effective teaching strategies and multiple formats to meet a diverse student population with differing learning styles.
N584 Curriculum Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
Module 8 Discussion
Identify a problem or issue in nursing education. Search the literature for two current scholarly research studies for your phenomenon of interest. The articles can be qualitative or quantitative research. Discuss your articles and the implications for nursing education.

Solution: Aspen N584 2022 January Discussions Latest (Full)