Accounting Assignment - Identify and summarize the key ethical

Question # 00861565 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 10/08/2024 01:52 AM Due on: 10/08/2024
Subject Accounting Topic Accounting Tutorials:
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Business Finance - Accounting Assignment


This assignment aims to deepen understanding of ethical leadership and change management through the case study of the Enron scandal. It will enable students to explore the importance of adhering to company policies and ethical practices and how to effectively lead and adapt to change in a business environment.


Watch the video by ColdFusion below about the Enron Scandal. (Video length: 19:04 minutes)


1. Identify and summarize the key ethical issues highlighted in the Enron scandal. Why is it important for businesses to follow ethical practices?

2. Consider how a company like Enron could change its practices to avoid such ethical issues in the future. Develop a plan for leading changes and refocusing actions in a business environment that faced similar ethical challenges. 

These articles may bring some assistance for you to answer the question:

Writer, T. S. (2019, December 16). Preventing another Enron. Tampa Bay Times.

Glassman, J. K. (2002, February 17). To Avoid an Enron, Look at Cash Flow. Washington Post.

Please organize your answer in a 2 - 4 page report. 

Assignment Format Requirements:

1. Cover page: should include Assignment Title, Your Name, Course Name and Code, and Submission Date. 

2. Formatting: 

  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font Size: 12pt
  • Line Spacing: Double-spaced
  • Margins: Standard 1-inch margins on all sides

3. Citation of Sources: All sources of information must be properly cited utilizing APA style. Include citations for any ideas, facts, or information that are not your own. 

4. The required page count does not include the cover page and the reference page. 

5. Ensure clarity and conciseness in your writing. 

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00857072 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 10/08/2024 01:53 AM
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