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English Recently Posted Questions

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Unit 8 Discussion - Health Insurance, Argue the point for
Unit 8 Discussion 8- Health Insurance Argue the point for or against a university requiring students to have health insurance. This is about colleges making you have health insurnce. * 350 w …
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English Homework - Discuss the advances in technology
English Homework Discuss the advances in technology such as EDI, RFID, and the Internet within the intermodal industry as well as how these technologies are beneficial to retail customers using int …
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English Paperwork - woman, What years she lived
English Paperwork make sure you site the website and or article you’ve researched .  1. For 1 credit, write a paragraph on each woman in history (if you only need 0.5 credits or less, …
English / General English Get it Now
Discussion - The Souls of Black Folks, a foundational
I Need A Discussion Please read the forethought and chapter one of The Souls of Black Folks, a foundational text in African American studies. I have provided a link to the entire book but we w …
English / General English Get it Now
Discussion Chapter 12: Technology and Virtual Groups and view TED
Discussion Step 1:  Read Chapter 12: Technology and Virtual Groups and view TED Talk by Matt Mullenweg VIDEO: TED TALKS "Why Working From Home is Good For Business"  h …
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English Code-Switching Assignment
English CODE-SWITCHING ASSIGNMENT There are several tasks to complete in this code-switching assignment.  Students at Jackson State University can use grammarly …
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Argumentative Writing - Why Abortion Should be the Decision
Argumentative Writing Directions: Write a well - developed Argumentative essay of at least five extended paragraphs (two to three full pages).  Follow MLA Guidelines when completing this …
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ENG 201 Discussion - What might the stories in  One Thousand
ENG 201  Meaningfully respond to the following prompt for this week’s discussion. You can only use the sources provided. No outside sources. Address the prompt below. · …
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Week 2 Discussion - As individuals we are often likely to be more
Discussion Board 2 Discussion board As individuals we are often likely to be more connected with groups and practices that are familiar to us. Unfamiliar cultures and practices often make us unc …
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C Activity 1 - Abagail is a returning college student
C ACTIVITY 1 Student Resource Activity: Student Cases After reading the student cases below, use the student resources and support handout to determine all the types of student resources&nb …
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Module 6 - Ordinarily, teachers can’t be school board members
Module 6 Ordinarily, teachers can’t be school board members in their own districts because of potential conflicts of interest. Would teachers make good school board members in districts where …
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In your opinion, what is the first cause of the universe
Cause Of The Universe Write a  or record a response that answers the following: In your opinion, what is the first cause of the universe? What you would describe as a cosmolo …
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Discussion - Should the manner in which a person
Language Use Discussion Board  Should the manner in which a person use language (in speaking and writing) affect their academic validity? (For example, should African American vernacular Engli …
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Digital Literacy -What makes digital literacy different
Digital Literacy  Read the following document on digital literacies:  Watch the following YouTube video on …
English / General English Get it Now
C Activity 7 - There was once a man who had never seen an eagle
C ACTIVITY 7 There was once a man who had never seen an eagle. One day a magnificent eagle landed on his windowsill, and when he saw it, he exclaimed, “What an ugly creature!” The man g …
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Discussion Part 1: Personal Digital Literacy
Discussion: Technology And Writing Part 1: Personal Digital Liter Write about the following: What technologies do you use in your everyday life? What kinds of writing/reading/literacy/se …
English / General English Get it Now
Reflection - How have your ideas on writing, rhetoric,
Reflection How have your ideas on writing, rhetoric, and literacy changed overall over the course of this semester? Or what do you need to learn more about or experience in a different way in …
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Week 9 Discussion - While you are working on your rough
DIS BOARD 9 QUESTION: While you are working on your rough draft and structuring your argument, share on this board what is your counterargument in your paper.  Why did you choose this count …
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English Code-sSwitching Assignment
English CODE-SWITCHING ASSIGNMENT There are several tasks to complete in this code-switching assignment.  Students at Jackson State University can use grammarly …
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English Composition Touchstone 3 - Informative Revision
English Composition Touchstone 3: Informative Revision before you start Consider revisiting the Unit 3 tutorial  The Purpose of Revising. You might find it helpful to use the revisi …
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