Using Search Engines And Find Two Different Recent Articles Involving Data Mining

Question # 00799831 Posted By: 102 Updated on: 03/26/2021 12:24 PM Due on: 04/09/2021
Subject Computer Science Topic General Computer Science Tutorials:
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Grading Rubric for Assignment #1

  • Comprehension of Assignment (Addressed the question completely and thoroughly): 40 percent
  • Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts: 40 percent
  • Mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, APA reference formatting: 20 percent


      Using search engines and find two different recent articles involving data miningDescribe the role of "data mining" in the story using and why the data mining is important your own words (at least 200 words for each URL).  Be sure to cite your sources.


Here is an example of an article:

12:00 AM, January 07, 2018 / LAST MODIFIED: 12:00 AM, January 07, 2018

New police unit to check cyber crime

- Social media users to face stringent watch; police can detect users quickly ~~~~…

Link- (This is just an recent example. We need to provide other two recent articles involving data mining)

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