Mobile Ordering System Summary

Question # 00803519 Posted By: Riley405 Updated on: 04/23/2021 11:08 AM Due on: 05/08/2021
Subject Computer Science Topic General Computer Science Tutorials:
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 Your Mobile Ordering Project team needs to provide a summary of your  analysis findings to IT leadership and other department stakeholders.  You are assigned to create the material.

Create material that:

Illustrates the current information system, capturing data from in-store ordering and payment processes
Illustrates the new information system that will be needed when mobile ordering and payment is added
Identifies potential uses of cloud computing technology, including the  names of the cloud type and likely cloud computing services
Identifies the security vulnerabilities the new information system could create
Provides recommendations to mitigate security concerns
Identifies any ethical and privacy concerns leadership should review.
Use diagrams to illustrate the information systems mentioned above.  You  can create diagrams using Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® PowerPoint®,  Microsoft® Visio® or another program of your choice.

Document your summary using one of the following options:

A 1-page Microsoft® Word document 

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