Ideas quickly jotted down for later development are called

Chapter 6 Drawing
1) Ideas quickly jotted down for later development are called ________.
A) binders
B) sketches
C) grounds
D) media
2) The ________ are credited with the invention of paper around 105 C.E.
A) Greeks
B) Chinese
C) Egyptians
D) Persians
3) What drawing material was the predecessor of the graphite pencil and was especially popular during the Renaissance?
A) Charcoal
B) Metalpoint
C) Ground
D) Pastel
4) The coloring material in virtually all drawing media is known as ________.
A) pastel
B) binder
C) pigment
D) wash
5) What substance allows drawing media to be shaped into sticks (for dry media) or suspended in fluid (for liquid media), and to adhere to the drawing surface?
A) Pigment
B) Ground
C) Binder
D) Wash
Attachment:- Chapters 6-13.rar
