Human Development Personal Response Paper

Question # 00803846 Posted By: Ainsley Updated on: 04/25/2021 06:12 AM Due on: 05/24/2021
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Textbook, pages 253-256 (LO 6.16: Parenting Styles):


Parents are a key part of children’s lives everywhere, but how parents view their role and their approaches to discipline and punishment vary widely. First, we look at an influential model of parenting “styles” based on American parenting, then we look at views of parenting based in other cultures.

Parenting “Styles”

LO 6.16 Specify the four types of parenting “styles” and identify the cultural limitations of this model.

Have you heard the joke about the man who, before he had any children, had five theories about how they should be raised? Ten years later he had five children and no theories.

Well, jokes aside, most parents do have ideas about how best to raise children, even after they have had children for awhile (Harkness et al., 2015; Tamis-LeMonda et al., 2008). In research, the investigation of this topic has often involved the study of parenting styles; that is, the practices that parents exhibit in relation to their children and their beliefs about those practices. This research originated in the United States and has involved mainly American children and their parents, although it has now been applied in some other countries as well.

Four Parenting Styles

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