Case Reflection Paper For Case- INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
Please read Case Study 2.1 Electronics International Ltd. on pg. 57-59. Case Study 2.1 presents Electronics International Ltd. and its potential direct investment into a western African country, Zempa. There is not one correct answer to this case, and perhaps the best scenario may occur when you think outside of the box a bit.
Please provide well- written and well-reasoned answers to the following
discussion question
Follow the guidelines in the Case Reflection Paper rubric below.
Question 1:
Assume that you are the managing director in this case. What strategy should Electronics International adopt in this situation? Should the company continue exporting or make a direct investment?
Question 2:
Are there any other alternatives open for Electronics International?
Submission Instructions:
All responses in this discussion forum must be professional, well-reasoned, well-written, and free from profanity. This discussion assignment should reflect the fact that this is a written product for a graduate professional program. All responses should be professional, and if you disagree with a submission, keep it professional. If ideas are not your own, please reference them with the appropriate internet link or written resource link. Although I do not wish to restrict discussion, I reserve the right to fail and delete any discussion contribution that does not show proper respect for any international culture and ethnicity and/or is obscene in nature.
Turn-it-in is enabled on all papers.
IMPORTANT: Papers need to be in doc format.