Differences Between Arteries and Veins in Human Body

Differences Between Arteries and Veins in Human Body

Do you know that the human body has two types of blood vessels through which blood flow in the body?

These are arteries and veins. Don’t worry if you don’t know the difference between these blood vessels. Today we’ll discuss these blood vessels in detail. 

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Here are the main differences between the two blood vessels with their main functions:


  • Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart.
  • These are also known as red blood vessels.
  • Arteries are positioned deep in the body.
  • An exception of general artery characteristics is the pulmonary artery.
  • The volume of blood in the arteries is 15%.
  • It is more muscular in nature.
  • Much narrower lumen


  • Veins are blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood from the tissue capillaries back to the heart.
  • These are also known as blue blood vessels.
  • Veins are positioned closer or beneath the surface of the skin.
  • An exception of general vein characteristics is the pulmonary vein.
  • The volume of blood in veins is 65%.
  • It is less muscular in nature. 
  • Comparatively wide lumen than arteries. 

Similarities Between Arteries and Veins

As mentioned above, there are many differences between arteries and veins. But do you know there are also some similarities between these two blood vessels? 

Here are some similarities between arteries and veins:

  • Both arteries and veins are a part of the circulatory system from where different types of blood cells float. Thus these are the tubes that assist our heart in blood circulation. 
  • These are the layers that form the walls and are similar in composition. 
  • The blood flows in one direction in both arteries and veins. But veins contain valves that ensure blood flow in one direction. Arteries don’t need valves since the pressure from the heart is enough to flow blood in one direction. 

Difference Between Types of Arteries and Veins

The following list contains different types of arteries and veins.

Types of Arteries 

There are three different types of arteries in the human blood circulatory system. 

  • Elastic Arteries

These have a thick middle layer and stretch in response to heart pulse.

  • Muscular Arteries

Muscular arteries are medium-sized arteries that draw blood from elastic arteries. 

  • Arterioles

They have to direct the blood into capillaries. Also, these are known as arterial divisions that transport blood away from the heart. 

Types of Veins

The following are four different types of veins:

  • Deep Veins

Deep veins are located in the muscle tissues.

  • Superficial Veins

These veins are closer to the surface of your skin.

  • Pulmonary Veins

They aim to transport oxygenated blood to the heart from the lungs.

  • Systematic Veins

Systematic veins are percent throughout your body. They aim to transport deoxygenated blood to the heart for purification. 

After this lesson, you must have understood the difference between veins and arteries. If you need more help in completing the homework, you can seek biology homework help from our professionals.