you were required to review the BSG Players Guide in detail. And now that we are in Week ?

Question # 00736862 Posted By: Maynard Updated on: 09/10/2019 06:23 AM Due on: 10/26/2019
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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During Reading Week, you were required to review the BSG Players Guide in detail. And now that we are in Week #1, you should be actively working within the BSG Simulation with your team members to enter your strategic decisions for the two practice rounds occurring this week. Please create a post that responds to the following questions: What is your initial impression of the BSG? Is it what you expected? Are there any specific areas/concepts in the Players Guide that you still find confusing? If so, what are they? Are there any specific features/functions in the BSG online simulation that you still find confusing? If so, what are they? What methods/systems/approaches is your team employing to organize itself in order to work collaboratively in the BSG Simulation? In addition, include at least one "nugget" of information that you discovered in your review of the PG. Note: It is not expected nor necessary that you reveal any of your team's "competitive strategies" or tactics in your postings above. For this course, all initial posts are due by Thursday of the week, with subsequent replies through the week's end on Sunday.

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  1. Tutorial # 00752392 Posted By: dr.tony Posted on: 03/09/2020 05:42 AM
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    The solution of you were required to review the BSG Players Guide in detail. And now that we are in Week...
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