Written Assignment - Advocating for a Clinical/Ethical Problem

Question # 00199691 Posted By: terciafloryda Updated on: 02/17/2016 09:38 PM Due on: 02/19/2016
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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Written Assignment - Advocating for a Clinical/Ethical Problem

Try visiting the "Take Action" page on the ANA for a list of current issues and more information on how to take action on this topic. You can also research the topic using the Rasmussen Online Library, located on theResources tab. Use the information from the ANA site or your research to write a letter in business letter block format to your government representative.

Your letter should include the following:

· Introduce yourself and your background - why do you have an interest in this issue?

· Who are you writing and why are they the best person/agency to help address this issue?

· What is the background of the issue? Briefly discuss the pertinent facts surrounding the issue and why you feel it is important. You may use the information provided on the ANA website and other appropriate sources, but it must be paraphrased/written in your own words.

· What action would you like them to take? This may be supporting/cosponsoring a specific bill, removing their support from a specific bill, or another action.

· Discuss how you plan to follow up with them and thank them for their time.

You will answer questions later in the course based on the responses you have received from the official.

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