Week Two Journal

Question # 00001635 Posted By: nancy007 Updated on: 09/26/2013 02:58 PM Due on: 09/27/2013
Subject English Topic General English Tutorials:
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Week Two Journal


You will create profiles for the for-profit and not-for-profit companies that you have chosen to examine in this course.


This week, you will fill out the company profiles for both of the companies you chose to research. Follow the instructions and questions below for each company.

Company Profile (Not-for-Profit)

Profile of [Company Name] (Franz, 2005)

Write a paragraph here that describes the company. Identify the company’s:

1. Area of interest

2. History

3. Summary of activities

4. Funding sources

5. Mission statement

6. Values statement

Tip:Good sources of information to use are the company website and other credible non-profit web sites.

Include the company’s details:

1. Location

a. List the headquarters.

b. List any major branch offices.

2. Tax exempt status

a. Is the company a 501c)(3)? If so, what date was it granted this status? If not, what is the name of the umbrella organization?

3. Personnel

a. How many employees does the company have?

Then, examine and discuss the following:

1. What obstacles does the company face in its sector, and does the company have any innovative approaches to overcoming those obstacles?

2. Describe a time in which the company faced a major crisis that threatened its business. How did the company address and overcome this situation?


Frantz, P. (2005, February 13). Company profile template.Connexions. Retrieved fromhttp://cnx.org/content/m12649/1.1/

Company Profile (For-Profit)

Profile of [Company Name] (Franz, 2005)

Write a paragraph here that describes the company. Identify the company’s:

1. Area of interest

2. History

3. Summary of activities

4. Funding sources

5. Mission statement

6. Values statement

Tip:Good sources of information to use are the company website and other credible non-profit web sites.

Include the company’s details:

1. Location

a. List the headquarters.

b. List any major branch offices.

2. Financial facts – Provide information regarding the following:

a. The company’s most recent revenues.

b. The company’s most recent profits.

c. The company’s historical growth in relation to its revenue and profit.

d. How the company compares to other companies in its sector.

3. Personnel

a. How many employees does the company have?

Then, examine and discuss the following:

1. Competitiveness. How does the company compare to its main competitors? Consider both domestic and local markets.

2. What obstacles does the company face in its sector, and does the company have any innovative approaches to overcoming them?

3. Leadership. Research and describe a time in which the company faced a major crisis that threatened its business. How did the company address and overcome this situation?


Frantz, P. (2005, February 13). Company profile template.Connexions. Retrieved fromhttp://cnx.org/content/m12649/1.1/

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  1. Tutorial # 00001469 Posted By: mac123 Posted on: 09/26/2013 03:00 PM
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