The air above this current is characterized by extremely strong pressure

Question # 00736166 Posted By: Joyce 1 Updated on: 09/04/2019 08:32 AM Due on: 10/02/2019
Subject Geography Topic General Geography Tutorials:
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Q1 The air above this current is characterized by extremely strong pressure gradients and relative lack of land interruptions which induce extremely strong westerly winds.

  1. California Current
  2. Gulf Stream
  3. Antarctic Circumpolar Current
  4. North Equatorial Current

Q2 In regard to sea surface temperature (SST), as one travels toward the poles SST

  1. increases.
  2. decreases.
  3. remains constant.
  4. decreases and then increases.

Q3 Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) are warmest

  1. where oceans are deepest allowing for sufficient mixing.
  2. along the equator where the sun's rays are most direct.
  3. at the subtropics because descending air promotes clear skies.
  4. at the poles where long days during summer warm water.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00753712 Posted By: dr.tony Posted on: 03/12/2020 11:00 AM
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    The solution of The air above this current is characterized by extremely strong pressure...
    The_air_above_this_current_is_characterized_by_extremely_strong_pressure.ZIP (18.96 KB)

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