The air above this current is characterized by extremely strong pressure
Question # 00736166
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Updated on: 09/04/2019 08:32 AM Due on: 10/02/2019
Q1 The air above this current is characterized by extremely strong pressure gradients and relative lack of land interruptions which induce extremely strong westerly winds.
- California Current
- Gulf Stream
- Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- North Equatorial Current
Q2 In regard to sea surface temperature (SST), as one travels toward the poles SST
- increases.
- decreases.
- remains constant.
- decreases and then increases.
Q3 Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) are warmest
- where oceans are deepest allowing for sufficient mixing.
- along the equator where the sun's rays are most direct.
- at the subtropics because descending air promotes clear skies.
- at the poles where long days during summer warm water.
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Solution: The air above this current is characterized by extremely strong pressure