Stress Management

Question # 00005556 Posted By: paul911 Updated on: 12/17/2013 11:23 AM Due on: 12/18/2013
Subject Accounting Topic Accounting Tutorials:
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Due Date Week 10–Monday10:00am

Weight 20%

Length 3,000 words


Learning task 2 continues and builds on the work undertaken for Learning task 1 in your chosen managerial skill area. Specifically, with learning task 2 you willresearchtheoretical concepts relevant to your selected skill area, describe the action you undertook in the action plan (from learning task 1) and reflect on your efforts over the semester to develop your personal performance in your chosen managerial skill area.

Students will research their chosen skill area, consider their experiences relating to the actioning of their Learning Contract/Action Plan and write a report of approximately 3000 words. The structure of the report should take the following form.

Approximatelyhalf of the reportshould cover an outline of theoretical concepts relevant to your skill area, anda discussion of the implications of these skill areas in effective management practices. That is, the report should do more than describe the skill area you have chosen in your Learning Contract.

Thesecond half of your reportshould address your action plan outcomes and measures of achievement. Successful completion of this assessment is dependent on the ability to describe the outcomes of your pre and post measures, and demonstrated learning achievements. Focus on the actual learning outcomes or changes in skill level that you are able to demonstrate you have achieved.

In writing the report, it may be helpful to consider areas such as - what evidence would demonstrate to yourself and to others that you have increased your competence in the chosen area of learning?, how has your understanding of the skill broadened (or not)?, what have you learnt from your successes or ‘failures’?, what would/could you have done differently? etc.

The report is to be approximately3,000 words in length. Please be aware that you will berequired to attach to your report any supporting documentation,such as journals, audio tapes, questionnaires, survey responses etc. in the form of appendicesas well as the Learning Contract/Action Plan with the original feedback from your tutor.Submission of the individual assignment is to be made via the School of Business submission box.

Assessment criteria: In assessing the report, consideration will be given to:


demonstration of the required structure (as outlined above)


reading and research in your topic area (minimum offive(5)academic sources required)


ability to consider and reflect on the outcomes of the Learning Contract and Action Plan


the quality of the written expression and writing style, i.e. spelling, grammar, proof-reading, neatness, and correct citation methods.



The aim of stress management is the ability to manage our responses to situations that occur in our lives. stress in fact can be personal and organizational in nature. work related stress appears to be increasing dramatically with almost two-thirds of Australian employees reporting that they suffer from 'extreme stress' in the work place rather than personal. actually stress is the result of placing undue expectations or desire on ourselves, creating image of ourselves and trying to live up to the image that has been created by others. stress, when not understood or manage can result in a variety of responses, which may have physiological, psychological and organizational mental anguish. By definition stress management is set of techniques and programs intended to help people deal more effectively with stress in their lives by analyzing the specific stressors and taking positive actions to minimize their effects. Therefore handling staff stress is all about reducing the depression of staff, understanding of stressors and being able to recognize them before they occurs, talking to trusted friend, co-workers or professional helpers, relaxation etc. As a manager in the company I must have good skill of handling staff stress in the company for smooth running of the company.


Stress management is the essential element of the managerial skill that i have selected for the research. This becomes more complicated as you go on holding the top position in the company. Handling staff stress is very important in organizational life because too much stress might make it difficult to concentrate or perform effectively. Because of this the staff may not concentrate on their job properly and they might not finish their work on time, so the situation can be termed as stressful. To manage this a manager must have stress management skills to overcome the problem of the staff. The goals are made with in the time frame if the manager has good skills to handle their stressed staffs. If employee is not stressful, he/she may develop opportunity for personal growth and satisfaction and being pushed to higher performance.

Pre and Post Test measures:

To test myself I have improved my stress management skills and further I will make a weekly survey of how the employees stress is reduced. Are they really stress free now? This will determine my actual stress management skills, which I have gained. As a manager he/she should consider three types of intervention required at the organizational level. Primary intervention need to be implemented by reducing number of stressors in the work environment, secondary intervention aim at helping employees cope with stress and training to introduce stress management techniques. The third type of intervention focuses on rehabilitation of employees who are experiencing symptoms of stress. The survey might be between my work place and me.

Action Steps:

This process will require me to research management skills and implement them with the aim of achieving staff stress management skills. This action plan covers 4 weeks process.



Key Concept

Associated Action Step

Expected Outcome

Actual Outcome



Recognize area in which I would like to improve or which I do not have current skills in and wish to create.



Go to the library and get managerial skills theories relating to stress management theories.

To find different sources on handling staff stress skills

Different techniques of managing stress



Keep clear of how to handle. It is necessary to improve management skills if you are unclear on what you want to say to your staff on team briefing.

Keep a survey report of my actions and time spent on different tasks to reveal my current management skills.

Staffs work in their own team according to their skills and talent.

Higher performance



Make a list of tasks that need to be informed each day to the staff.

Provide the staff with appropriate authority and responsibility

To achieve all the daily basis tasks.

Achieved daily



Regular meeting of the staff

Check the progress of the individual staff

Progress report individually

Progress report individually



Handling the staff with training

See whether staff actually understand the facts and is active

Achieve responsible staff

Work jobs done



Internal environment of workplace

See whether the staffs actually being irritated in the environment he is working

Replacement of staffs who are being irritated in current working environment.

Higher performance



Identify work load of staff

Identify and reduce the burden of work load of the employee

Completion of the task with higher performance.

Standard work.


Carlopio, j., Andrewartha, G. & Armstong, H. (2001). developing management skills: A comprehensive guide for learders (2nd ed.). Frenchs Forest NSW: Pearson Education Australia.

DWYER, J. (2009). communication in business. strategies and skills (4th ed.). Fresnchs Forest, N.S.W: Pearson Education.

Hunsaker, P.L. (2005). Management: Askills approach (2nd ed.). New Jersey: Pearson: Prentice Hall.

Rees, W.D. & Porter, C. (2008). The skills management (6th ed.). London : south- Western/Cengage Learning.

De jansaz, Wood, Gottschalk, Dowd, Schneider (2009). Interpersonal skills in organization. North ryde , NSW: The McGrow. Hill.

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