Strayer PAD520 week 2 discussions

Question # 00041909 Posted By: neil2103 Updated on: 01/17/2015 01:03 PM Due on: 01/31/2015
Subject Urban Planning and Policy Topic General Urban Planning and Policy Tutorials:
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Week 2 Discussion 1

"Developing Policy Arguments and Debate" Please respond to the following:

· Develop a policy argument or claim that is definitive, designative, evaluative, and advocative, using one of these terms: (a) crime, (b) pollution, (c) terrorism, (d) quality of life, (e) global warming, (f) fiscal crisis, (g) human rights, and (h) unemployment.

· Convert the argument in the first discussion into a policy debate by providing an objection and a rebuttal. Explain if and why the qualifier changed after introducing an objection and rebuttal. If the qualifier did not change, explain why it did not change.

Week 2 Discussion 2

"Policy Arguments" Please respond to the following:

· From the case study, Case 8.1, use the argument mapping procedures presented in the chapter and provide two pros and two cons (or strengths and weaknesses) of the recommendation that the United States should NOT intervene in the Balkans.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00040735 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 01/17/2015 01:04 PM
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    The solution of Strayer PAD520 week 2 discussions...
    Strayer_PAD520_week_2.docx (179.4 KB)
    Week_2_Discussion_2.docx (17.9 KB)
  2. Tutorial # 00040773 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 01/18/2015 08:08 AM
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    The solution of Strayer PAD520 week 2 discussions...
    Week_2_Discussions_both.docx (19.33 KB)

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