RELI448 Week 2 Reflection Essay Latest 2017 March

Question # 00515965 Posted By: katetutor Updated on: 04/22/2017 06:59 AM Due on: 04/22/2017
Subject Religious Studies Topic General Religious Studies Tutorials:
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Homework: Expository Essay

This assignment is due in Week 2 of the course. Scholars conclude that what we ordinarily call religion manifests to some degree the following eight elements: 1) a belief system; 2) community; 3) central myths; 4) rituals; 5) an ethical system; 6) emotional experiences; 7) material expressions of religion; and 8) sacredness.

  1. Examine to what extent your religious beliefs fall into this pattern. Do some elements have more weight than others? If you do not have a belief system, interview someone who does and examine their belief system. Provide enough details to support your answer.
  2. Then examine one of the "new religions" or alternative paths that are seen in today's world and apply the same analysis to their beliefs. Do some elements have more weight than others? Are some totally absent? Provide enough details to support your answer. Please limit your analysis to no more than three elements for each section.
  3. New Religious Movements: Scientology, Falun Gong, Cao Dai, Wicca and Druidism, the Yoruba Tradition (Santería, Voodoo, and Candomblé), Rastafarianism, etc. Feel free to choose among one of these alternatives or another approved by your instructor.

This essay should be 3 pages in length (1050 words). [Note the addition of word count to clarify how long the paper should be if formatted properly in APA.]

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00512828 Posted By: katetutor Posted on: 04/22/2017 07:00 AM
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