Project Risks WBS and Budget Updates

Question # 00005722 Posted By: expert-mustang Updated on: 12/23/2013 10:28 PM Due on: 12/24/2013
Subject Finance Topic Finance Tutorials:
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-Project Risks WBS and Budget Updates
Identify the additional tasks that are associated with planning, monitoring, and controlling risks.
Put this in a WBS structure so that they can be added to an existing plan.
Determine a contingency budget to mitigate the risks that are most likely to occur.
Determine additions to the project plan budget to monitor and control risks.

-Project Risks Communications Plan

Identify the stakeholders that communications should go to.

Determine the frequency of communications.

Construct the types of reports and how they will be delivered.

Discuss how this might be integrated into the change management process.

Define who has the final authority for sign-off to extract from the contingency budget to mitigate risks.

2,500-3,000 words including at least 2 references

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00005515 Posted By: expert-mustang Posted on: 12/23/2013 10:29 PM
    Puchased By: 2
    Tutorial Preview
    new identified risks and accordingly response was determined. The probability ...
    Electronic_file_conversion-Project_Risks_WBS_and_Budget_Updates.docx (41.66 KB)

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