preparing for the Summary of Research Findings

Question # 00537202 Posted By: neil2103 Updated on: 05/30/2017 04:36 PM Due on: 05/31/2017
Subject English Topic American Literary Tradition Tutorials:
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WRTG 391 students,

In the Week 1 checklist, you will find a link called, "Video--On WA#1 Summary of Research Studies," which outlines and provides directions for completing the first formal writing assignment.

The video will also discuss methods for assessing sources critically. You will use your analytic, critiquing skills to develop a Summary of Research Findings. The Summary of Research Findings assignment asks you to look closely at several sources and to assess them using specific criteria: source citation, definitions/key terms, focus of study, methodology, findings, and personal reflections.

Please watch the video introducing the WA#1: The Summary of Research Findingsand read the description of the WA#1 formal assignment.

After watching the video a few times, please answer the following questions:

1. What aspect of the WA#1 assignment strikes you as the most challenging? Why?

2. What skills will a student have to employ to successfully complete WA#1?

3. How will those skills benefit a student when completing the rest of the formal writing assignments in WRTG 391: WA#2 Critical Annotated Bibliography, WA#3 Summary of Research Sources, and WA#4 Niches and Gaps Essay? (You may need to read the descriptions of those assignments to help you to answer this question.)

If not, please describe why you think there is not a logical progression between two or more assignments.

Please write a paragraph of 5-10 sentences in responding.

preparing for the Summary of Research Findings

Actions for preparing for the Summary of Research Findings

WRTG 391 students,

Your first writing assignment in WRTG 391 will be a Summary of Research Findings. Please watch thevideo-- How to Read and Comprehend Scientific Research Articles: Summary of Research Findings. The video is linked to in the Content for this week. In addition, please read over the Template for Taking Notes on Research Articles.

Respond to this discussion topic by answering the following questions.

1. Name three strategies that you use to motivate yourself to overcome difficulties when learning and researching.

2. In your opinion, what is the most important step to take when reading research articles? According to the material you've watched and read, what is the most important step to take when reading research articles?

3. What obstacles make finding "meaning" difficult when reading a research article? What suggestions from the video and the template will help one to overcome these obstacles to meaning?

4. What research topic do you think that you will focus upon for this semester's work? Why?

5. After watching the first two library tutorials, please find two articles on your chosen research topic that review and give the findings of a research study. In responding to this discussion topic, give the author(s), the title of the article, and a brief one- or two-sentence description of the research study and its findings.

The activity in this last task will help you get started on your Summary of Research Findings, which is writing assignment #1.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00534309 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 05/30/2017 04:37 PM
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