post university ECO 201 macroeconomics all units discussions

Question # 00004280 Posted By: vikas Updated on: 12/01/2013 12:47 AM Due on: 12/28/2013
Subject Economics Topic Macroeconomics Tutorials:
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Unit 1 Discussion Board{replace these words with your own name here} Unit 1 Discussion Board


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1. What is the opportunity cost of taking this course?

2. Why is the benefit greater than the cost?

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Unit 2 Discussion Board


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After reading the Government Data Releases, please answer the following questions.

1. What has been happening to the real GDP over the past year?

2. According to the CPI release, do we have a serious inflation problem at the current time?

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{ Unit 3 Discussion Board{insert your name here in place of "RE:"} Unit 3 Discussion Board


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After reading the required chapters for Unit 3, please answer the following question in the discussion board.

1. Is it possible that the U.S. economy will, at some point, no longer be the largest and most productive economy in the world?

After reading the article on Productivity Growth, please answer the following question posted in the discussion board.

2. What do the authors think is the primary reason for the increase in productivity growth after 1995?

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Unit 4 Discussion Board


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One of the responses to the current economic problems has been to extend the duration of unemployment compensation. Is this a wise move?

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Unit 5 Discussion Board


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Are you as an individual better or worse off as a consequence of inflation?

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Mr. D's Unit 6 Discussion Board


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Do you think the current imbalance between our exports and imports, with imports significantly greater than exports, a good or bad condition?

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Unit 7 Discussion Board


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Are you in favor of all the "bailouts" — of banks, home-owners, auto firms — that are being pursued in order to fix the economy?

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Unit 8 Discussion Board


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Do you think it is appropriate for the Obama administration to be running such a large federal deficit?

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00004079 Posted By: vikas Posted on: 12/01/2013 12:50 AM
    Puchased By: 2
    Tutorial Preview
    the largest and most productive economy in the world?After ...
    post_university_ECO_201_macroeconomics_all_units_discussions.docx (25.18 KB)

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