Plan A is an all-common equity structure in which $2.2 million dollars

Question # 00003228 Posted By: expert-mustang Updated on: 11/07/2013 08:54 AM Due on: 11/07/2013
Subject Accounting Topic Accounting Tutorials:
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Plan A is an all-common equity structure in which $2.2 million dollars would be raised by selling 82,000 shares of common stock.

Plan B would involve issuing $1.3 million dollars in long-term bonds with an effective interest rate of 11.5% plus $0.9 million would be raised by selling 41,000 shares of common stock. The debt funds raised under Plan B have no fixed maturity date, in that this amount of financial leverage is considered a permanent part of the firm's capital structure. Tax rate is 34%.

a. Find the EBIT difference level associated with the two financing plans.
b. Prepare a pro forma income statement for the EBIT level in part a. that shows that EPS will be the same regardless whether Plan A or B is chosen.
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00003014 Posted By: expert-mustang Posted on: 11/07/2013 08:58 AM
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    now (1) must equal (2) (Y*(1-.34))/82000=((...
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