Part A (1000 words) (50 marks) Watts and Zimmerman’s

Question # 00005429 Posted By: paul911 Updated on: 12/15/2013 01:04 PM Due on: 12/16/2013
Subject Accounting Topic Accounting Tutorials:
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Part A (1000 words) (50 marks) Watts and Zimmerman’s ‘The Demand and Supply of Accounting Theories: The Market for Excuses’ suggested the ‘normative’ project of accounting academics and other social critics of corporate accounting practice to be invalid;

Part A (50marks)

Assessment criteria

1000 words max.



Very Good








1. Introduction (5)

2. Body/Discussion (15)

Criticalevaluation of topic

3. Conclusion (5)

4. Examples (5)

6. Referencing, citations (5)

7. Evidence of reading, quality and quantity (10)

8. English expression, coherence, grammar and spelling. Logical flow of ideas (5)

Part B (50marks)

Assessment criteria

1000 words max.



Very Good








1. Introduction (5)

2. Body/Discussion (15)

Criticalevaluation of topic

3. Conclusion (5)

4. Examples (5)

6. Referencing, citations (5)

7. Evidence of reading, quality and quantity (10)

8. English expression, coherence, grammar and spelling. Logical flow of ideas (5)

Effectiveness of communication - ie readability, legibility, grammar, spelling, neatness, completeness and presentation will be a minimum threshold requirement for all written work submitted for assessment. Work that is illegible or incomprehensible and does not meet the minimum requirement will be awarded a fail grade.

3. Demonstrated understanding - This will be evidenced by the student's ability to be dialectical in the discussion of contentious issues. Few, if any, accounting concepts are scientific facts and stereotype answers will demonstrate poor understanding on the part of the student.

4. Evidence of research - This will be evidenced by the references made to the statutes, accounting standards, books, journal articles and inclusion of a bibliography.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00005237 Posted By: spqr Posted on: 12/15/2013 01:04 PM
    Puchased By: 2
    Tutorial Preview
    The solution of Part A (1000 words) (50 marks) Watts and Zimmerman’s...
    normative_and_positive_accounting_approaches.doc (113.5 KB)
    historical_cost_accounting.doc (119 KB)

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