PAD500 Public Administration

Question # 00002833 Posted By: mac123 Updated on: 10/26/2013 02:28 AM Due on: 10/27/2013
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need a power point presentation (original work only) for

Assignment 4: The Management of Human Resources



Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation of 6 to 8 slides addressing the following:

1. Identify and explain four (4) key attributes of Larry Frymire’s leadership style.

2. Identify and explain four (4) major influences from the tug-of-war between Frymire’s role as leader and the newly elected governor.

3. Select and assess four (4) of Frymire’s responses to the budget issues in the changing political environment.

4. Research and cite at least four (4) peer-reviewed academic sources.

The format of the assignment is to be as follows:

? Six to eight (6-8) PowerPoint slides, with one or two devoted to each of the topics in items 2–4 above. Slides should abbreviate the information in no more than five or six (5 or 6) bullet points each.

? In the Notes View of each PowerPoint slide, incorporate the notes you would use when presenting the slides to an audience.

? Slide titles should be based on the criteria described above (e.g., “Four Key Attributes,” “Responses to Budget Issues,” etc.)

? In addition to the content slides required, a title slide and a reference slide are to be included. The title slide is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date. The reference slide should list, in APA format, the sources you consulted in writing the paper.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

? Analyze and apply concepts of planning and human resource management essential to the study of public administration as it relates to political choice.

? Analyze and apply concepts of public leadership and management essential to the study of public administration.

? Use technology and information resources to research issues in modern public administration.

? Write clearly and concisely about modern public administration using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.Points: 210



Below 70% F


70-79% C


80-89% B


90-100% A

1. Identify and explain four (4) key attributes of Larry Frymire’s leadership style.

Weight: 25%

Did not submit or incompletely identified and explained 1-2 key attributes of Larry Frymire’s leadership style.

Partially identified and explained 2-3 key attributes of Larry Frymire’s leadership style.

Satisfactorily identified and explained 3-4 key attributes of Larry Frymire’s leadership style.

Thoroughly identified and explained 4 key attributes of Larry Frymire’s leadership style.

2. Identify and explain four (4) major influences from the tug-of-war

Did not submit or incompletely identified and

Partially identified and explained 2-3 major influences

Satisfactorily identified and explained 3-4 major

Thoroughly identified and explained 4 major influences

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00002639 Posted By: mac123 Posted on: 10/26/2013 02:29 AM
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    The solution of PAD500 Public Administration...
    larry_frymire-s_leadership_style.pptx (98.11 KB)

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