MGT 3301 Reality Based Education
Reality Based Education
The purpose of the Reality Based Education (RBE) assignment is to enable you to apply your classroom knowledge to an organizational setting. You will select one organization or one manager to write about in your paper. Please be thoughtful in your selection of organization or manager. You may select an organization where you currently work, have worked in the past, have a contact (friend or family member) who currently works there, or you may select an organization or manager that interests you. Please recognize this assignment requires that you conduct research (i.e., internet searches for articles, perusing the organization’s website, etc.) on the organization or manager which may include interviewing organizational representatives.
You will submit a paper on either Option 1 or Option 2. Your paper should be no more than 2 pages in length. Please use single-spacing, with 1 inch margins and 11 or 12pt font. Please reference using APA style; your reference page does not count as one of your two pages.
Hint: In order to earn a full credit (i.e., a grade of A) on this paper, you must link your responses to material from the textbook and other sources/references). For example, when you write about the organization chart, you must examine your textbook for types of structure and use the appropriate terminology when crafting your response. Or, when you write about leadership styles, reference a leadership style discussed in the textbook or in other sources.
Paper Specific Questions
The following questions are to be answered in paragraph form. You may include additional content, but you must respond to all questions (and its parts) in order to earn full credit.
Option 1 – Organizing
1. Identify or create (based upon your research) the organization chart. (Note: you must include the visual aid as an Appendix to your paper. These appendices do not count as one of the two pages.)
2. Describe and explain the organization’s vertical structure (e.g., work specialization, chain of command, span of management).
3. Describe the structural design or departmentalization of the organization. Hint: See the five approaches discussed in your textbook.
Option 2 – Leading
1. Identify a leader in the organization. What is the leader’s title and role in the organization?
2. What do you believe is his/her leadership style? Provide examples.
3. What forms of power does this individual possess? What influence tactics does he or she use?
1. 2 pages; single-spaced with 1 inch margins and 11 or 12pt font; reference page and appendices do not count as the two pages.
2. Submit your paper as an attached Word document through the submission box for the assignment by 11:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 10.
3. Make sure that your paper is written in complete sentences and has no spelling errors.
4. Use APA Style for referencing.
5. Paper will be graded on content, organization, linkage to relevant course material or other external sources, and punctuation and correct grammar.
Solution: MGT 3301 Reality Based Education