Question # 00004899 Posted By: paul911 Updated on: 12/08/2013 01:31 AM Due on: 12/09/2013
Subject Finance Topic Finance Tutorials:
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Use the Internet to research two (2) publically held health care organizations in your state that you believe would benefit from a merger. Download and review each organization’s financial statements. Write a ten to twelve (10-12) page paper in which you:

  1. Conduct basic financial statement and operating indicator analysis to assess the financial condition of the two (2) health care organizations you selected.
  2. Analyze the organization’s debt, equity financing, and capital structure of the two (2) organizations.
  3. Analyze the capital structure and cost of capital of the two (2) organizations.
  4. Conduct a risk analysis regarding the merger of the two (2) organizations you have identified.
  5. Analyze current receivables management of the two (2) organizations and make recommendations for how receivables management should be addressed post-merger.
  6. Explain which financial ratios you used in your analysis and how they were derived in an appendix to your assignment.
  7. Provide at least four (4) qualified sources, e.g., peer-reviewed journals, professional organization Website, or health care provider Websites.
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Tutorials for this Question
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