Mat222 week 2 discussion

Question # 00000730 Posted By: shortone Updated on: 09/05/2013 02:03 PM Due on: 09/11/2013
Subject Mathematics Topic General Mathematics Tutorials:
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Ashford 3: - Week 2 - Discussion 1

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses.

One-Variable Compound Inequalities

In this discussion, you will be demonstrating your understanding of compound inequalities and the effect that dividing by a negative has on an inequality. Read the following instructions in order and view theexampleto complete this discussion:
  • According to the first letter of your last name, find the pair of compound inequalities assigned to you in the table below.

    If the first letter of your last name isYour “and” compound inequality is
    Your “or” compound inequality is
    A or L
    -4 ? 3 + 7x < 24
    5 – x ? 7 or 8x – 3 > 29
    B or K
    -16 ? 2 + 9x ? 11
    12 – x > 15 or 4x – 13 > 7
    C or J
    -10 < -2 + 8x < 22
    4x + 7 < 11 or 1 – x ? -2
    D or I
    -17 < 3 + 10x ? 33
    5x + 3 ? -2 or 13 – x ? 6
    E or H
    -1 ? -3 + 2x < 17
    7 – x ? 6 or 7x – 1 > 27
    F or G
    -12 < 12 + 4x < 0
    12 – x > 15 or 7x – 13 > 1
    M or Z
    -1 ? 3 + 2x < 11
    1 – x ? -3 or 5x – 1 > 19
    N or Y
    -1 < 4 + 5x ? 19
    2x + 3 ? -1 or 10 – x ? 5
    O or X
    -4 ? 5 + 3x ? 11
    2x + 2 < 2 or 3 – x ? 0
    P or W
    -9 < -1 + 4x < 15
    8 – x > 15 or 6x – 13 > 11
    Q or V
    -10 < -3 + x ? 21
    2 – x ? 1 or 6x – 1 > 17
    R or U
    -11 ? -5 + 6x < 13
    3x + 2 ? -1 or 11 – x ? 4
    S or T
    0 ? 4 + 2x ? 22
    3x + 6 < -3 or 5 – x ? 1
  • Solve the compound inequalities as demonstrated inElementary and Intermediate Algebraand the Instructor Guidance in the left navigation toolbar, being careful of how a negative x-term is handled in the solving process. Show all math work arriving at the solutions.

  • Show the solution sets written algebraically and as a union or intersection of intervals. Describe in words what the solution sets mean, and then display a simple line graph for each solution set as demonstrated in the Instructor Guidance in the left navigation toolbar.

  • Incorporate the following five math vocabulary words into your discussion.Usebold font to emphasize the words in your writing (Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing your math work.):
    • Compound inequalities
    • And
    • Or
    • Intersection
    • Union
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00000613 Posted By: prateek64 Posted on: 09/05/2013 07:32 PM
    Puchased By: 2
    Tutorial Preview
    The solution of Week_2_Assignment...
    Week_2_Assignment.docx (129.22 KB)

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