Liberty University Busi435 Feasibility Analysis

Question # 00003188 Posted By: neil2103 Updated on: 11/05/2013 09:03 PM Due on: 11/27/2013
Subject Business Topic Management Tutorials:
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You will write an 8-page minimum Feasibility Analysis for a business that you would like to study or consider creating. The goal is to understand if there is a market for the product or service before additional resources are expended. Assuming a market niche is found, this analysis will be foundational to building the business plan. You should have a minimum of 10 outside sources and the paper should be written in APA format. For more information, read Scarborough: ch. 4, which outlines each category that should be addressed.

Feasibility Analysis Instructions


The feasibility analysis helps the entrepreneur determine if his/her idea can be a viable business or not. The process can help the entrepreneur save time and money creating a business plan if the business is not viable. If the business is viable, the entrepreneur can proceed to the Business Plan phase with more knowledge and confidence.


The Feasibility Analysis must be a minimum of 8 pages, not including the cover page, business description or reference page. It will be written in APA format and will have a minimum of 10 trusted references (i.e. scholarly journals, trade journals, government documents, etc.) beyond the text. Be careful of various internet sites due to their propensity for factual errors. The paper should be in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins.


The Feasibility Analysis includes the following:

1. Cover page

2. Proposed Business Description

3. Industry and Market Feasibility Analysis – See Scarborough: Chapter 4 for an in-depth description. Be sure to include all of the pertinent sub-topics for your proposed business.

4. Product or Service Feasibility Analysis – See Scarborough: Chapter 4 for an in-depth description. Be sure to include all of the pertinent sub-topics for your proposed business.

5. Financial Feasibility Analysis – See Scarborough: Chapter 4 for an in-depth description. Be sure to include all of the pertinent sub-topics for your proposed business. This section must include accurate estimates of revenues and costs based on appropriate research.

6. Final Analysis – Based on the information that has been gathered, determine if the proposed business should proceed to the Business Planning stage.

Feasibility Analysis Grading Rubric



Does Not Meet

Little to No Attempt

Following Formatting instructions

8–10 points

Exceeds expectations.

Easy to grade.

4–7 points

Minimally meets requirements.

1–3 points

Does not meet all requirements.

0 points

Little to no effort shown.

Cover Page

and Business Description

8–10 points

Comprehensive and concise review.

4–7 points

Adequate summary.

Needs more definition.

1–3 points

Misses major points.

No real content.

0 points

Little to no effort shown.

Industry and Market Analysis

31–40 points

Complete and thorough job.

21–30 points

Minimally meets requirements.

1–20 points

Does not meet requirements, or is missing sections.

0 points

Little to no effort shown.

Product or Service Analysis

31–40 points

Complete and thorough job.

21–30 points

Minimally meets requirements.

1–20 points

Does not meet requirements, or is missing sections.

0 points

Little to no effort shown.

Financial Analysis

31–40 points

Complete and thorough job.

21–30 points

Minimally meets requirements.

1–20 points

Does not meet requirements, or is missing sections.

0 points

Little to no effort shown.

Final Analysis/


8–10 points

Complete and thorough job.

4–7 points

Minimally meets requirements.

1–3 points

Does not meet requirements, or is missing sections.

0 points

Little to no effort shown.

** The instructor may adjust points for work that falls between two grading categories.

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