Kaplan gb520 Unit 6

Question # 00003174 Posted By: neil2103 Updated on: 11/05/2013 05:30 PM Due on: 11/21/2013
Subject Business Topic Management Tutorials:
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Case Study Analysis

Read the Harvard Business Case Study for Unit 6:

Farhoomand, A. F., Wang, I. (September, 2008). Wal-Mart stores: Everyday Low Prices in China
(Case Study). Retrieved from Harvard Business Online website.

Visit Harvard Business Online to acquire the article.

Prepare a case analysis on the topic of Global HR Management.
The case analysis should be a minimum of 3-pages long, double-spaced. Check for correct spelling,
grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. Citations should use APA style.

Case Analysis Question: What are the HR Strategies that management must undertake and
support to create a successful global presence to insure the success of an organization in meeting its
goals and mission?

Your analysis of this case and your written submission should reflect an understanding of the critical
issues of the case; integrate the material covered in the text and present concise and well-reasoned
justifications for the stance that you take.

Case Analysis Criteria

Your case analysis should consist of:

? A brief analysis of the situation and pending decision problem, as presented in the case, and
as relevant to your answer. This should be exceptionally brief and you should assume the
person reading the Assignment is familiar with the details of the case.
? Identification of the major issues surrounding the organization or individuals involved with the
? Identification of alternate courses of action to address the issues identified.
? The decision or recommendation for action, with the appropriate supporting arguments.
? The Case Question is designed to guide the direction of your analysis in the case. Your
analysis should address and ultimately answer the question.

You may discuss your Case Analysis Assignment with the class and Team Members (and you are
encouraged to on the Discussion Board or in the Team Area), but you must submit your own original

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Case Analysis Tips

Avoid common errors in case analyses, such as:

1. Focusing too heavily on minor issues.
2. Lamenting because of insufficient data in the case and ignoring
creative alternatives.
3. Rehashing of case data — you should assume the reader knows the case.
4. Not appropriately evaluating the quality of the case's data.
5. Obscuring the quantitative analysis, making it difficult to understand.

Typical “minus (-)” grades result from submissions that…

• are late.
• are not well integrated and lack clarity.
• do not address timing issues.
• do not recognize the cost implications or are not practical.
• get carried away with personal biases and are not pertinent to the key issues.
• are not thoroughly proofread and corrected.

Case Analysis Submission

Before you submit your Case Analysis, you should save your work on your computer in a location that
you will remember. Save the document using the naming convention:

Make sure your document includes:

• Your Name
• Date
• Course Name and Section Number
• Unit Number
• Case Name
• Page Numbers

When you are ready, submit your paper to the Unit 6 Case Analysis Dropbox
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00002964 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 11/05/2013 05:31 PM
    Puchased By: 2
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