Jazz music Report

Question # 00309290 Posted By: Masonman Updated on: 06/06/2016 08:06 PM Due on: 06/06/2016
Subject Music Topic General Music Tutorials:
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Hi, I need an essay for this ASAP. Contact me for the green light if you got the solution.

Jazz Artist Report Guidelines

Choosing an artist for the Jazz Artist Report:

The goal of the Jazz Artist Report assignment is to take the student out of the text and both onto the Internet and into libraries. The student has the opportunity of focusing on a particular artist and covering the main points of that musician’s professional life.

As an example of the areas to be addressed, the student can look to the text coverage of artists such as:

Louis Armstrong
Duke Ellington
Count Basie
Miles Davis
John Coltrane

Since those five artists are covered so thoroughly in the text, these jazz artists cannot be chosen as possible subjects for the Jazz Artist Report.

If you have any questions about who to choose as a report subject, feel free to contact the instructor via the college email system.

Choose a specific jazz musician and focus on their sound, their unique musical contributions, and the specific stylistic jazz period identified with this artist.

Plan on 3-5 pages minimum before the Works Cited page or the log. The report should be free of grammatical errors. And please use the spell check, remembering that it is often confused by the context in which some of your words are used!

Make sure to include the following topics and note that the * topics should make up the bulk of the paper.

  1. Describe the background and training of the musician.
  2. What other musicians influenced this particular artist?
  3. *Why is this jazz artist so important?
  4. *Describe the artist’s musical characteristics. How does the music of this artist compare to the music of contemporary artists?
  5. *How did this artist’s music develop over the years? Can that artist’s career be divided into different periods?
  6. What other musicians did this artist influence?
  7. Required: Listen to two or three selections by this artist and complete a listening log. Highlight the musical characteristics of this artist.
  8. Required: Include at least two context citations and at least one quote. Cite sources for these in the report and list the sources at the end in a “Works Cited” page. Remember to not use the text or the musical selections used for the eight logs for your support. You can, though, use some of the other musical selections that came with the course materials. If you need help formatting in-text citations or your Works Cited page, please see the MLA Citation Style page from the Rio Salado Library Online Writing Lab.
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