How do I figure and graph the demand curve?

Question # 00004552 Posted By: paul911 Updated on: 12/04/2013 02:00 AM Due on: 12/05/2013
Subject Economics Topic General Economics Tutorials:
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You must five up your full-time job, which paid $50,000 per year, and you worked part-time for half of the year.

The average retail price of the cookbooks will be $30.00 and their average cost will be $20.00

Assume that the equation for demand Q-5400-(153.3333*P)

Q-the number of cookbooks sold per month

P= the reatil price of books

Show what the demand curbe would look like if you sold the books between $25.00 and $35.00
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  1. Tutorial # 00004349 Posted By: mac123 Posted on: 12/04/2013 02:01 AM
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