Homeland Security - What did the 9-11 Commission recommend in terms of changes

Question # 00599701 Posted By: katetutor Updated on: 10/06/2017 06:57 AM Due on: 10/06/2017
Subject Political Science Topic American Policy Tutorials:
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Homeland Security
1) What did the 9-11 Commission recommend in terms of changes to the intelligence community (IC)?

2) If the crux of counter terrorism involves information sharing among all levels of government, do the reform recommendations of the 9-11 Commission enacted into law adequately address the structure of intelligence gathering?

Be sure to include a summary of those recommendations.

3 pages and to make sure the refrences date or information a 100% correct.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00598021 Posted By: katetutor Posted on: 10/06/2017 06:57 AM
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    The solution of Homeland Security - What did the 9-11 Commission recommend in terms of changes...
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