general business data bank
26. The process of forming alliances among managers is called coalition building.
27. The administrative model closely resembles the real environment in which most managers and decision makers operate.
28. The political model consists of vague problems and goals, limited information about alternatives and their outcomes, and a satisficing choice for resolving problems using intuition.
29. Nonprogrammed decisions require six steps, however, programmed decisions being structured and well understood require only one step.
30. Managers confront a decision requirement in the form of either a problem or an opportunity.
31. Once the problem or opportunity has been recognized and analyzed, the decision-maker should implement the alternative.
32. Step one in the managerial decision-making process is recognition of decision requirement.
33. For a non-programmed decision, feasible alternatives are hard to identify and in fact are already available within the organization's rules and procedures.
34. For decisions made under conditions of low uncertainty, managers may develop only one or two custom solutions that will satisfice for handling the problem.
35. The best alternative is the one in which the solution best fits the overall goals and values of the organization and achieves the desired results using the fewest resources.
36. The formulation stage involves the use of managerial, administrative, and persuasive abilities to ensure that the chosen alternative is carried out.
37. Risk propensity refers to the willingness to undertake risk with the opportunity of gaining an increased payoff.
38. Feedback provides decision-makers with information that can precipitate a new decision cycle.
39. In the implementation stage, decision makers gather information that tells them how well the decision was implemented and whether it was effective in achieving its goals.
40. Feedback is the part of monitoring that assesses whether a new decision needs to be made.
41. People who prefer simple, clear-cut solutions to problems use the directive style.
42. Managers with an analytical decision style like to consider complex solutions based on as much data as they can gather.
43. The behavioral style is often adopted by managers who like to consider complex solutions based on as much data as they can gather.
44. The most effective managers are consistent in using their own decision style rather than shifting among styles.
45. Most bad decisions are errors in judgment that originate in the human mind's limited capacity and in the natural biases of the manager.
46. Justifying past decisions is a common bias of managers.
47. The rapid pace of today's business environment requires only top management to make decisions and have the information, skills, and freedom they need to respond immediately to problems and questions.
48. Most people underestimate their ability to predict uncertain outcomes.
49. Brainstorming uses a face-to-face interactive group to spontaneously suggest a wide range of alternatives for decision making.
50. Interestingly, major decisions in the business world are commonly made by an individual.
Solution: general business data bank