general business data bank

Question # 00004609 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 12/04/2013 12:26 PM Due on: 12/25/2013
Subject General Questions Topic General General Questions Tutorials:
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1. Match the stage in the development of social attachment with the best description of what happens during that stage)

Stage in the Development of Social Attachment

a. Stage 1 (birth to 3 months)

b. Stage 2 (3 to 6 months)

c. Stage 3 (6 to 9 months)

d. Stage 4 (9 to 12 months)

e. Stage 5 (12 months and beyond)

Description of What Happens in a Stage

1. (d) infant forms internal mental representation of object of attachment

2. (a) infant uses sucking, rooting, gazing, smiling, cuddling, and visual tracking to maintain closeness

3. (c) infant seeks physical proximity and contact with caregiver

4. (b) infant more responsive to familiar figures than to strangers

5. (e) child uses a variety of behaviors to influence the behavior of objects of attachment in ways that will satisfy needs for safety and closeness

2. Match the type of attachment with the behaviors that accompany it. (

Type of Attachment

a. Secure attachment

b. Anxious-avoidant attachment

c. Anxious-resistant attachment

d. Disorganized attachment


1. (b) show less distress at being alone than other babies

2. (d) no consistent strategy for managing the stress of separation

3. (c) very cautious in the presence of strangers and hard to soothe upon caregiver's return

4. (a) actively explore their environment and interact with strangers when mothers are present

3. Match the period of emotional development with the characteristic of this period

Period of Emotional Development

a. first month

b. 1 to 6 months

c. 6 to 12 months

d. 12 to 24 months


1. (d) new level of awareness of the capacity to give and receive pleasure as well as of the vulnerability of self and others

2. (a) emotional responses closely tied to the internal state of the infant

3. (b) emotions begin to be tied to a separation of self and environment

4. (c) emotions reflect the baby's ability to recall previous experiences and to compare them with an on-going event


1. Give three reasons why very-low-birth-weight babies are at risk for cognitive delays. probability of brain hemorrhage

2. Give three examples of aspects of the visual array that infants can detect. (

3. What is the sequence of events in the Strange Situation? What behaviors are this situation designed to stimulate? ()

4. What are two characteristics of mothers whose babies develop anxious-avoidant attachment? (

5. Give two examples of relationships formed in adolescence or adulthood that may be influenced by the quality of early attachments.

6. What three capacities must infants develop in order to achieve complex, purposeful causal behaviors during the first two years of life?

7. Explain how the lack of the scheme for object permanence relates to separation anxiety.

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8. Describe three ways that emotions develop during infancy)


9. What are some ways mistrust may be expressed in behavior?

10. What are three ways that the prime adaptive ego qualities influence a person’s outlook on life? (

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