general business data bank

Question # 00004603 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 12/04/2013 12:20 PM Due on: 12/31/2013
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1. The evaluation that is performed twice within the first five minutes of birth is called ____________.

a. Babynski reflex test

b. Bayley Scales of Infant Development

c. the Infant Visual Perception Test

d. Apgar scoring method

2. The purpose of the Apgar score which is calculated twice within the first five minutes of birth is to _____.

a. measure infant intelligence

b. measure the quality of parental investment in the newborn at birth

c. assess an infant’s life signs to determine the need for intervention at birth

d. decide whether the newborn infant has been exposed to prenatal teratogens

3. Which one of the following weights would be considered a low birth weight baby?

a. 5 pounds, 8 ounces

b. 6 pounds, 8 ounces

c. 7 pounds, 8 ounces

d. 2 pounds, 8 ounces

4. Which of the following conditions places an infant at greater risk for developmental problems?

a. low weight for gestational age

b. low birth weight

c. late birth

d. prematurity

5. What is the current technological limit to fetal viability? In other words, what are the smallest babies we keep alive?

a. about 500 grams (slightly over 1 pound)

b. 1000 grams (about 2 pounds, 8 ounces)

c. 2500 grams ( about 5 pounds, 8 ounces)

d. 3300 grams (about 7 pounds)

6. A typical characteristic of very low birth weight baby is ______.

a. calm and easily soothed

b. unpleasant, high-pitched cries

c. delicate, physically attractive features

d. easily establish a rhythmic pattern of interaction

7. Plasticity means ________________________________________.

a. the neurons in the infant’s brain are connected in a random manner, and all the patterns depend on experience

b. the basic organization of areas of the brain depend on early experience

c. there is no relationship between experience and neural development

d. sensory experiences can strengthen certain neural pathways; less used pathways may disappear

8. What would provide evidence that habituation has occurred?

a. The infant opens her mouth to mimic the mother’s open mouth.

b. The infant visually follows the caregiver who is walking across the room.

c. The infant’s response decreases each time she sees the same red teddy bear.

d. The infants loses interest in sucking her thumb.

9. The fetus hears what while still in utero?

a. traffic noises

b. television programs

c. the telephone ringing

d. the mother’s voice

10. By age 6 to 8 months, babies can use sounds to ________.

a. locate an object and guide reaching toward it

b. distinguish a foreign language from the native language spoken at home

c. recognize distinct language sounds

d. all of these

11. The age at which infants see objects as well as adults do (although perhaps with varying cognitive perceptions than the adults): ___________________.

a. 2 months

b. 4 months

c. 7 months

d. 9 months

12. Caroline holds her newborn baby in her arms and watches as the baby gazes at her. The baby seems to be staring at a spot on Caroline’s forehead. She wonders what is so interesting about her forehead. What explanation can you give for this?

a. Babies tend to gaze at the eyes and mouth of a face.

b. Babies recognize an inner eye just above the eyebrows.

c. Babies tend to focus attention on borders and contours – the hairline is a type of border.

d. Babies are looking for a sign of contentment on the mother’s face which is expressed on the forehead.

13. What effect do sweet-tasting substances have on newborns?

a. They have a calming effect.

b. They increase the baby’s irritability.

c. They increase activity level.

d. They give babies the hiccups.

14. Which is the largest sensory organ and the first organ to develop during the prenatal period?

a. nose

b. skin

c. ears

d. eyes

15. By the age of 3 months, most infants are able to ___________.

a. distinguish a parent’s face from the face of a stranger

b. pick up a toy from a basket and put it back

c. sit up alone without support

d. speak well enough to be understood

16. Early strategies for tactile exploration which then leads to the ability to identify objects visually include _____.

a. smiling and cooing

b. sucking and mouthing

c. listening and watching

d. chewing and swallowing

17. The reflexive motor responses of the newborn infant serve to ________.

a. facilitate the infant’s survival

b. allow the infants to control their muscles

c. enable the infant to exhibit voluntary movement

d. allow the infant to communicate with the caregiver

18. Motor reflexes undergo some transformations during infancy. What is the typical pattern of change? Think about reaching and grasping as an example.

a. Motor control begins in the hands and fingers and moves toward the trunk.

b. Motor control shifts from the feet to the hands and shoulders.

c. Involuntary behavior disappears and voluntary behavior emerges with practice.

d. Voluntary behavior becomes involuntary behavior.

19. In the development of reaching and pushing, which of the following is the earliest behavior likely to be observed?

a. grasping a moving object

b. holding an object in both hands

c. picking up a piece of yarn using index finger and thumb

d. reaching into a jar to pull out a candy

20. In the example of Zinacanteco childrearing, what is the consequence of restricting babies?

a. The babies lag behind U.S. babies in motor development by about one month.

b. The babies lag behind U.S. babies in motor development by about 6 months.

c. The babies cannot coordinate reaching and grasping.

d. The babies never learn to crawl.

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