general business data bank

Question # 00004601 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 12/04/2013 12:03 PM Due on: 12/31/2013
Subject General Questions Topic General General Questions Tutorials:
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1. Match the concept with the correct definition


a. receptive language

b. holophrases

c. telegraphic speech

d. overregularize

e. scaffolding

f. expansion


1. (c) two-word sentences

2. (e) raising the level of a child’s vocabulary

3. (f) elaborating a child’s expressions

4. (a) ability to understand words

5. (b) single-word utterances

6. (d) apply a grammatical rule inappropriately

2. Match the milestone in language development with the appropriate age at which the milestone is reached.


a. highly sensitive to spoken language, use vocalization as a source of sensory stimulation

b. acquire extensive vocabulary, create sentences that reflect most of basic rules of grammar, communicate complex thoughts

c. understand words and phrases, develop a vocabulary, begin to form two-word sentences

d. communicate ideas, observations, needs, comprehension of spoken language almost complete, speech idiosyncratic and best understood by people in the family

Age described by Milestone

1. (a) first year of life

2. (c) second year

3. (d) third year

4. (b) fourth year

3. Match the discipline strategy with a likely parental behavior. )

Discipline Strategy

a. power assertion

b. love withdrawal

c. induction

Parental Behavior

1. (c) redirect behavior

2. (a) threaten, shout

3. (b) express disappointment, stop communicating


1. What are four gross motor skill areas that most children make significant accomplishments in during toddlerhood? (

2. What are the five representational skills that toddlers acquire that allow them to manipulate objects mentally rather than by actual behavior?)

3. What are four elements of communicative competence? (

4. What are four of the important linguistic accomplishments that occur during early and middle school age?

5. Scaffolding, expansion, and prompting are three verbal strategies adults use to clarify a child's meaning. Define each and give an example.

6. What are four ways that fantasy play changes from ages 2 to 5? (

7. What are three characteristics of children who have well-developed pretending skills? ()

8. What are four ways that play companions can enrich a child's capacity for fantasy play)

9. What are three effective strategies for helping toddlers gain control of their angry feelings? (

10. Define the three general categories of discipline and give an example of each.)

11. Define effortful control and give an example. )

12. What are two sources of shame? (

13. Give three examples of the impact that quality child care has on peer relations. (

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