general business data bank

Question # 00004600 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 12/04/2013 12:01 PM Due on: 12/31/2013
Subject General Questions Topic General General Questions Tutorials:
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1. The developmental task of ___________ plays a central role in toddler’s psychosocial development by transforming ideas into action and prompting interactions.

a. locomotion

b. communication

c. generation

d. all of these

2. ________ is a string of consonants and vowels, which begins around 6 months of age.

a. Cooing

b. Chattering

c. Talking

d. Babbling

3. The ability to understand words, called ______________, develops ahead of the ability to produce spoken words and language.

a. receptive language

b. productive language

c. referential language

d. interpretive language

4. What is the meaning of the term holophase?

a. grammatical transformations

b. two-word sentences

c. vocalization without meaning

d. single word utterances accompanied by gestures, action, vocal intonation, and emotion

5. Quickly grasping the meaning of a word within context of a conversation, is called ________________.

a. expansion

b. prompting

c. fast-mapping

d. none of these

6. A major accomplishment in language development during the second year of life is the child’s ability to _____________.

a. form two-word sentences

b. vocalize

c. babble

d. use the grammatically correct form of singular, possessive pronouns

7. How does a parent’s use of expansion help a child develop communication skills?

a. It elaborates on the child’s expression.

b. It avoids forcing the child to speak.

c. It urges the child to listen more carefully.

d. It moves to a level of greater abstraction.

8. Billy says “Go Bye-Bye,” and his Mother responds “Yes Mommy is going Bye-Bye, I am going to work Billy.” This is an example of __________________.

a. prompting

b. expansion

c. development

d. bootstrapping

9. Which of the following is an example of symbolic play?

a. playing the drums

b. playing with a rattle

c. playing house

d. playing with one’s toes.

10. Which of the following is an example of preoperational thought?

a. throwing a ball

b. playing cards

c. pretending to be a superhero

d. crying

11. Which of the following characteristics is associated with well-developed fantasy play skills?

a. flexible problem solving skills

b. social isolation

c. poor verbal communication skills

d. daydreaming and inability to focus

12. Which of the following is NOT a strategy that toddlers use to achieve self-control?

a. diverting their attention to something else

b. talking to themselves

c. insisting on having their own way

d. creating an imaginary situation in which disturbing problems can be expressed and resolved

13. One of the important elements of self-control that develops during toddlerhood is the ability to ________.

a. regress to an earlier form of impulse gratification

b. feel out of control

c. delay the gratification or expression of impulses

d. express impulses quickly

14. “Mommy doesn’t love you when you do that,” is an example of which discipline practice?

a. power assertion

b. love withdrawal

c. alienation

d. inductions

15. Which of the following is a form of discipline in which the caregiver points out the consequences of a certain behavior and redirects the child’s behavior?

a. love withdrawal

b. induction

c. power assertion

d. time out

16. The negative resolution of the psychosocial crisis of toddlerhood is _________.

a. autonomy

b. independence

c. shame and doubt

d. alienation

17. Which of the following is an example of autonomy?

a. Nobody likes me.

b. I hate you.

c. That’s not fair.

d. I can do it myself.

18. The central process of toddlerhood, which fosters the emergence of autonomy is _______________.

a. shame

b. doubt

c. imitation

d. none of these

19. Which of the following has been documented as a positive consequence of participation in quality day care?

a. improved memorization skills

b. higher IQ scores in adolescence and adulthood

c. higher levels of social competence, self-esteem, and empathy

d. better chances of receiving a college scholarship

20. Which of the statements about the impact of day care is false?

a. Children who have had quality day care experiences tend to show higher levels of empathy.

b. Children who have had quality day care experiences are less compliant with their parents.

c. Children who have been in the same day care center for a long period of time develop more complex peer play skills.

d. Children who have had quality day care experiences are more likely to play alone and to be described as shy.

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