general business data bank

Question # 00004584 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 12/04/2013 08:53 AM Due on: 12/31/2013
Subject General Questions Topic General General Questions Tutorials:
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1. The view of gender differences that emphasizes the role of socially agreed-upon norms for particular types of interaction is called the __________________ perspective.

a. constructivist

b. psychoanalytic

c. individual differences

d. cognitive developmental

2. Which of the following statements is accurate?

a. Girls are always more passive than boys.

b. Boys are always more passive than girls.

c. Girls are more passive when they are playing with boys than when they are playing with other girls.

d. Passivity is genetically rather than socially determined.

3. According to research on the brain, girls process emotions in an area of the brain close to the speech center, whereas boys process emotions in the limbic system, more closely liked to action. What is one consequence of this difference?

a. It is easier for boys to express their emotions in words than for girls.

b. It is easier for girls to express their emotions in words than for boys.

c. Girls get so emotional they cannot speak.

d. Boys get so emotional they cannot act.

4. In a staff meeting, the men speak first and the women listen, waiting until they have something new or different to offer. How might the individual differences perspective on gender roles interpret this behavior?

a. Women are naturally more cautious and passive than men.

b. Women have a less well-developed problem-solving capacity than men.

c. Women defer to men out of respect for their power and authority.

d. All of these fit with an individual differences perspective.

5. Which of the following terms refers to the integrated cognitive, social, and emotional schemes associated with being male or female?

a. sex

b. sexual orientation

c. gender

d. gender constancy

6. Which of the following is the earliest component of gender role identification to be achieved?

a. sex-role preference

b. correct use of gender labels

c. sex-role standards

d. understanding that gender is constant

7. Terms such as "boy," "girl," "mommy," "daddy," "aunt," and "uncle" are examples of _____________.

a. sex-role stereotypes

b. gender bias

c. gender labels

d. sex-role standards

8. What are gender-role standards?

a. cultural expectations about appropriate behavior for boys and girls, men and women

b. knowing that gender is stable, i.e. girls become women, boys become men

c. wanting to do the things that members of your sex are expected to do

d. wanting to grow up to be like your same-sex parent

9. How does the knowledge of gender-role standards influence a child’s behavior?

a. It influences how much they love their parents.

b. It influences their food preferences and tastes.

c. It influences their preferences for certain toys and games.

d. It influences whether they will go to preschool.

10. The cognitive underpinning of one's gender role identification is referred to as a gender __________.

a. preference

b. constant

c. label

d. scheme

11. Some parents believe that boys should be assertive and girls should try to please others. This is an example of ________________.

a. a gender-role standard

b. a gender label

c. a gender-role preference

d. none of these

12. What is an example of the idea that the family environment is gendered?

a. Fathers are more assertive than mothers in their interactions with children.

b. Fathers and mothers are both employed outside the home.

c. Families can be categorized by the sex of the head of household.

d. Children have less power in families than adults.

13. What is a term for the process through which one person incorporates the values and beliefs of another?

a. heteronomous morality

b. sex-role preference

c. status

d. identification

14. The establishment of a gender preference depends on three factors. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

a. the match between one’s strength and competence and the expectations of the gender-role standards

b. how much one likes the parent of the same sex

c. understanding that gender is constant and stable

d. cues from the culture valuing one sex over the other

15. Which of the following aspects of gender identification is related to the degree to which one's talents and interests match the gender-role standards?

a. using gender labels

b. identifying with the same-sex parent

c. learning gender-role standards

d. establishing a gender preference

16. Cultural cues that one sex is valued more than the other contributes to which of the following?

a. use of gender labels

b. understanding of gender constancy

c. learning gender-role standards

d. forming a gender preference

17. You hear a five-year-old girl say, "I love my mommy. When I grow up I want to be just like her." This is an example of which of the following?

a. understanding gender labels

b. identifying with the same-sex parent

c. knowledge of gender-role standards

d. none of these

18. Children raised by gay or lesbian parents have _________.

a. homosexual gender preferences

b. gender preferences that are similar to children raised in heterosexual homes

c. a higher likelihood of becoming a homosexual

d. none of these

19. For the early-school-age child, moral development involves a process of learning the family's moral code and then using it to guide behavior. This is called __________.

a. gender-role preference

b. avoidance conditioning

c. internalization

d. induction

20. Moral development in the early-school-age years involves growth in three domains – learning the moral code, experiencing emotions that encourage caring and remorse, and ______________.

a. taking morally appropriate actions

b. writing and reading about moral situations

c. discussing moral dilemmas with peers

d. experimenting with new social roles

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