general business data bank
41. The mythical sales representative at Robinson Jewelers who delivered a wedding ring directly to the church because the ring had been ordered late is an example of a hero.
42. A slogan is a phrase or sentence that succinctly expresses a key corporate value.
43. A ceremony is a planned activity at a special event that is conducted for the benefit of an audience.
44. In adaptive cultures, managers are concerned with customers and processes that bring about useful change.
45. The achievement culture emerges in an environment that requires fast response and high-risk decision-making.
46. An achievement culture is found in an environment that is dynamic and requires high-risk decision-making.
47. The involvement culture is suited to organizations that are concerned with serving specific customers in the external environment but without the intense need for flexibility and rapid change.
48. A results-oriented culture that values competitiveness, aggressiveness, personal initiative, and willingness to work long and hard to achieve results is called the achievement culture.
49. The bureaucratic culture has an external focus and a consistency orientation for a dynamic environment.
50. Corporate culture plays a key role in creating an organizational climate that enables learning and innovative responses to threats from the external environment, challenging new opportunities, or organizational crises.
51. When an organization pays little attention to either cultural values or business results, it is unlikely to survive for long.
52. When an organization pays little attention to cultural values and instead focuses on business results, success will be difficult to sustain in the long run.
53. Success will be difficult to sustain in the long run when an organization puts emphasis on both cultural values and business results.
54. In a high performance culture, organizations put high emphasis on both culture and solid business performance as drivers of organizational success.
55. A cultural leader defines and uses signals and symbols to influence corporate culture.
Solution: general business data bank