general business data bank

Question # 00003756 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 11/19/2013 12:52 PM Due on: 11/30/2013
Subject Business Topic Management Tutorials:
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Scenario Questions

Scenario—Shawn McClelland

The mandatory leadership-training seminar had just been concluded. All of the newly promoted managers at Scottie’s Sandals had been asked to attend and participate in the two-day seminar, and Shawn McClelland had been fascinated with what she had learned. She is now reviewing the material she covered.

1. Shawn recognizes that her power can come from five sources, including all of the following EXCEPT

a. referent power.

b. reward power.

c. coercive power.

d. mechanistic power.

e. All of the sources of power.

2. Shawn will develop strong skills in working with her people and also strong ability in accomplishing the task achieving the goals of Scottie’s Sandals. On the managerial grid, her style will be

a. 1,1.

b. 9,9.

c. 9,1.

d. 1,9.

e. 5,5.

3. Shawn places maximum value on developing her people and, on Fiedler's questionnaire scored as a high LPC leader. The best situation for her would include all of the following EXCEPT

a. good leader-member relations.

b. high task structure.

c. weak position power.

d. committed and talented employees.

e. All of the above are included.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00003561 Posted By: spqr Posted on: 11/19/2013 01:04 PM
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