Functional decomposition is a repetitive process of breaking the description

Question # 00004254 Posted By: expert-mustang Updated on: 11/28/2013 10:43 PM Due on: 11/26/2013
Subject General Questions Topic General General Questions Tutorials:
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Question: Functional decomposition is a repetitive process of breaking the description or perspective of a system down into finer and finer detail.

A True

B False


Question: The way a user can move from one display to another best describes

A Dialogue sequence

B Transition plan

C Menu-driven interface

D Screen sequence

E Computer interface

Question: Which of the following focuses on how information is provided to and captured from users?

A Structure chart

B Flow chart

C Entity-relationship diagram

D PERT diagram

E Interface and dialogue design

Question: The number of entity types that participate in a relationship refers to

A Cardinality

B Association

C Count

D Degree

E Normalization


Question: The primary deliverable from the conceptual data-modeling step within the analysis phase is

A A state-transition diagram

B An entity-relationship diagram

C A context data flow diagram

D A decision table

E Structured English


Question: Desired features are those that users could live without but that are used to select between design strategies that are of almost equal value in terms of essential features.

A True

B False

Question: One of the primary purposes of a DFD is to represent time, giving a good indication of whether data flows occur constantly in real time, once a day, or once a year.

A True

B False

Question: The calculation of an employee's salary would be represented on a data-flow diagram as a(n)

A Data flow

B Source

C Data store

D Process

E Action stub


Question: During systems design, a conceptual data model with attributes is prepared.

A True

B False

Question: An entity instance is a single occurrence of an entity type.

A True

B False

Question: When designing textual output, you should use single spacing wherever possible.

A True

B False

Question: During systems implementation and operation

A A conceptual data model (E-R with attributes) is prepared

B A logical model (relational) is prepared

C Physical files and database designs are prepared

D An enterprise-wide data model is prepared

E Database and file definitions are prepared

Question: The top-down approach to data modeling derives a data model from an intimate understanding of the nature of the business.

A True

B False

Question: Which of the following is a guideline for displaying text?

A Use double spacing if space permits

B Do not hyphenate words between lines

C Left-justify text and leave a ragged right margin

D Display text in mixed upper- and lowercase and use conventional punctuation

E All of the above are guidelines for displaying text

Question: Data contained on a customer order form would be represented on a data-flow diagram as a

A Process

B Data flow

C Source

D Sink

E Relationship


Question: Completeness, consistency, timing, iterative development, and primitive DFDs are guidelines for drawing DFDs.

A True

B False

Question: Which of the following is a true statement regarding a data store?

A Data can move directly from one data store to another data store

B Data stores illustrate relationships among entities

C A data store has a noun phrase label

D Data can move from an outside source to a data store

E A data store shows data in motion


Question: Designing usable forms and reports requires your active interaction with users.

A True

B False

Question: The most common format used for data modeling is

A State-transition diagramming

B Entity-relationship diagramming

C Process modeling

D Logic modeling

E A flowchart

Question: A data-flow diagram that represents a system's major processes, data flows, and data stores at a high level of detail refers to a

A Context diagram

B Level-1 diagram

C Level-0 diagram

D Level-00 diagram

E Logic diagram

Question: Each of the following is a guideline for displaying text except

A Use abbreviations and acronyms instead of full text

B Do not hyphenate words between lines

C Left-justify text and leave a ragged right margin

D Display text in mixed upper- and lowercase and use conventional punctuation

E Use double spacing if space permits

Question: Designing usable forms and reports requires

A Prototyping

B Data modeling

C Active interaction with end users

D Process modeling

E Using structured analysis

Question: While essential features help screen out possible solutions, desirable features help compare alternative design strategies.

A True

B False

Question: The names of data stores on primitive-level data flow diagrams often correspond to the names of data entities in entity-relationship (E-R) diagrams.

A True

B False


Question: A data flow represents data in motion, moving from one place in the system to another.

A True

B False

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00004050 Posted By: expert-mustang Posted on: 11/28/2013 10:48 PM
    Puchased By: 2
    Tutorial Preview
    could live without but that are used to select between ...
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