frequency of drug use in middle school children follow instructions posted .need references and citations

Question # 00000404 Posted By: shortone Updated on: 08/08/2013 05:12 PM Due on: 08/13/2013
Subject Psychology Topic General Psychology Tutorials:
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Imagine you were to create a survey that examined the frequency of drug use in middle school children. Referring back to the considerations for creating surveys presented in this module and in your textbook, what specific factors would you need to consider when developing this survey? Make sure you address considerations related to age (early adolescence) and nature of the topic (drug use).
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00000297 Posted By: spqr Posted on: 08/08/2013 05:13 PM
    Puchased By: 2
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    ways. When the child is exposed to more risk, there ...
    school.docx (16.35 KB)

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